Are Spa Managers Enabling Cluelessness?

As a retail trainer, I’ve noticed that therapists are allowed to be clueless when it comes to their earning power.
I’ll explain: Read More
As a retail trainer, I’ve noticed that therapists are allowed to be clueless when it comes to their earning power.
I’ll explain: Read More
It’s here! I just received my third and final post training retail sales report and the results are not surprising.
If you’ve been following me you know that three weeks ago, I wrote about training the hair stylists at a Five-Star property in Hong Kong. I was absolutely thrilled at the opportunity because so many decision makers balk at the idea of budgeting for staff training.
In fact most of my conversations with spa managers center around their justification of cost. “What will the return on investment be? Is it worth it?” Read More
Last week I wrote about training the hair stylists at a Five-Star luxury hotel in Hong Kong. This was a new area of the beauty industry for me as my experience has always centered on spa. Read More
When training spa therapists I’ll use story-telling to measure where they are with engagement, and recommendations for products and services. If you are a spa manager or director try presenting this case study to your staff. Read More
Enrique founded a spa/beauty product line created from plants and vegetables unique to a village in South America. For each product sold he gave back 15% of the profit to assist the village in building a school. His distributor positioned the line in the spas of a very upscale hotel chain. Read More
Years ago when I worked as an esthetician, every Thanksgiving Day I would hear “I can’t believe you have to work tomorrow” from well-meaning family and friends. Read More
Moontide Consulting is having a limited, once per year holiday special of our Increasing Your Retail Selling On-line Training Class for Spa Managers. Read More
Innovation is a hot buzzword. Senior executives in the hospitality industry are burning the midnight oil trying to find ways to innovatively one-up each other. Flying yoga, wellness strategies, sustainability campaigns, the list goes on with one thing in common. They’re all designed to target a larger portion of revenue from the upscale leisure consumer. Read More
Hey Spa Managers and Directors. We are midway through the second quarter of 2016. Have you reached your monthly retail goals yet? What are you waiting for? It’s time to take the first step. Read More
We believe that spa guests deserve a perfect service. But with 27% of spas at 0-10% in retail sales to service, we wonder if a perfect service is being delivered. Is product training for therapists providing all of the necessary information and tools? Or is something more needed? What gives?
If you missed our March 4th Blab no worries. In this segment we discuss product distributors, manufacturers and expansion of training. Tip:click your mouse on the verbiage to the right side of the screen to read the comments.
Next Blab-Can Introverts Sell?
Friday, March 11 7:30 p.m.-8:pm. Bangkok time | 7:30 a.m.-8:00 am East Coast
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