Every Spa Guest Has a Story

When training spa therapists I’ll use story-telling to measure where they are with engagement, and recommendations for products and services. If you are a spa manager or director try presenting this case study to your staff.
“The client, Fifi LaPierre, is a club owner from Paris. She owns the most popular nightclub in the city and it attracts an international crowd of celebrities from all walks of life.
Fifi is always exquisitely turned out in the most fashionable clothes. She wears the highest heels, most elaborate hairstyle and trendiest nails.
But now after 24 months of working without a break, she has decided to take a three week vacation at our hotel. She needs a spa consultation immediately to determine how to relieve her exhaustion. During her hotel stay she wants to be very relaxed and natural. She wishes to be as carefree as a child. “
Ask your staff to write down what they would recommend for Fifi. Don’t prompt them in any way. Tell them that they can be as creative as they wish to be.
What you are looking for is their optimization of the services and products which are offered by your spa and hotel. Perhaps your restaurant is offering a picnic on the beach promotion? How tuned in is your staff to what’s available in the spa and throughout your hotel or resort as well? There should not be a drastic difference in what your therapists determine is their best course of action. If you see a vast difference (and you probably will) don’t panic. It is simply your red flag that engagement training is needed.