Are Spa Managers Enabling Cluelessness?

As a retail trainer, I’ve noticed that therapists are allowed to be clueless when it comes to their earning power.
I’ll explain:
Spa managers are charged with meeting financial goals. However, the actual process of how to reach the goals and what to do day by day is not discussed with their therapists. I have sat through many meetings where monthly stats are regurgitated from an earlier meeting with senior management. No discussion is held of how to alter next month’s results.
It’s just business as usual.
When I worked as an esthetician, my earnings were completely generated by commissions and tips. I didn’t have the luxury of a base salary. Initially it was tough but it forced me to think like an entrepreneur. I built my customer base and essentially had a business within a business.
The owner of our spa kept financials top of mind. Meeting goals was not a puzzle.
I knew the price of each treatment, upgrade, and product. And I knew, down to the penny, the commission amount that I stood to make from each sale.
Was I pushing products? Nope! I was acutely aware that pushing products was the kiss of death to building a relationship with my guests. Customers recommend and return to people they trust.
Today, the Five-Star spas that enlist me to train their therapists all pay base salaries. However, commissions are paid for upgrades and products sales.
One of the training exercises I employ is to ask my therapists to identify every upgrade, product and related service that can be recommended to guests to enhance their treatment.
It’s stunning how many of them can’t.
They don’t think beyond the treatment they’ve been assigned.
Are their managers aware of this? They should be since they’re not meeting their financial goals. When therapists aren’t regularly upgrading services it’s the result of apathy or ignorance. Pick your poison. Either way training is called for.
I have them calculate the difference in their take home based upon just one week of commissions from product sales and treatment upgrades.
Once they see how much revenue they’ve been leaving on the table it’s amazing how their numbers go up.
Of course the guest is also better served so everyone wins.
Is it time to bring a fresh pair of eyes to your spa? You’ll be surprised at what you’ve been missing.