Tag coronavirus

Tag coronavirus

Three Face Shields That are Rocking the PPE Landscape

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Coronavirus is unfortunately a part of our lives, at least for now. We have a new vocabulary. “Social distancing, wear your mask, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly“.

Facemasks have become a multi-million dollar industry with the wearers displaying everything from their political views to favorite designer prints to classical art preferences. Read More

Four Things All Spa Managers Want and How To Get Them

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Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

Thankfully many spas are now reopening. Customers have anticipated this for months and are excited. Competition is greater than ever. It’s important to over-deliver just to maintain your customer base.

Were the following four “wanna haves” on your wish list before COVID-19 closed spas down?

  1. More customers
  2. More frequent bookings and re-bookings
  3. More robust retail sales
  4. More highly engaged therapists and support staff

If they were, it’s clear that you must do something different to achieve your goals. I never met a spa manager who didn’t want the same thing. But the ones who get the best results always have an ongoing training process in place that guarantees success.

Have a look at the demo of my Express Retail Training Course. It is delivered totally online, provides fast results, and may be exactly what you need.

Here’s the link to get more information.

Reopening is serious business and is crucial for our industry. For many, it is exciting and brings out new skills and ways to connect with our clients and staff. Your “wanna haves” are important.

Leave a comment below or connect with me here.

Four Simple Steps to Selling Spa Retail

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There are four simple steps to selling spa retail. The challenge comes in making sure that everyone follows the steps consistently and with each guest. There are other considerations that I’ll talk about later, but for now, here are the steps you need to know: Read More

Real Talk About Spa Re-openings and Revenue

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Here’s the deal-spa therapists have never made what they could have been earning because no one ever showed them how. For years they received product training and it should be evident by now that it was not enough. Listen to the audio below for more..

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If You Want Spa Customers Back Put Yourself In Their Slippers

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(NOTE: If You Want Spa Customers Back Put Yourself In Their Slippers, is the last post in our 4-part series on “How Coronavirus Should Impact the Way Spas Do Business”)

In Part One of the series, we examined the projected 4.6 million job loss in the hospitality industry. Travel spending is also expected to decline to the tune of $355 billion dollars. Read More

Why 1000’s of Global Spa Executives Can’t Sleep at Night Since COVID-19

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Wouldn’t it be great if things were back to normal in the global spa industry? Instead, wellness travel is terminated for the foreseeable future. Routine facials are finished.

And the deep tissue or relaxing massage is out. In many countries, government mandates require spas to close.

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc across hospitality for the past month,

(NOTE: This is the third post in our 4-part series on “How Coronavirus Should Impact the Way Spas Do Business” and ways CEOs/Spa Managers/Therapists are handling the current crisis. To see the first post in the series click here.)
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Five Ways to Manage Your Team During Work From Home

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The Covid-19 virus has disrupted and rearranged the workplace with breathtaking speed. In the span of a week, organizations across every sector have sent millions of employees home to work remotely. Without warning — and in many cases, without preparation of any kind — managers have been thrust into the position of leading virtual teams, many for the first time. Read More