Old Experience or Fresh Perspective-What’s Best for Reopening Spas?

Sometimes, when people are in dire straits they must make hard decisions. Many spas, in order to save money, are reducing senior management salaries.
Some have eliminated senior management altogether and replaced them with spa managers. In more extreme cases senior or head therapists have taken over many of the tasks previously assigned to the management team.
As an Eastern proverb says “Good thing, bad thing, who knows?”
In today’s COVID-19 environment, fresh eyes and a fresh perspective might be exactly what’s needed.
What we do know for sure is that to run a spa successfully also requires hardcore knowledge, vision, and clear direction.
And the willingness even in a cash strapped time, to invest in what will make the spa better.
We know that despite economic woes, people are still buying spa and beauty products online. And some recently re-opened spas are reporting that retail products are flying off their shelves.
If this is not happening for your spa, the question is, “Why not”?