Are Spa Managers Enabling Cluelessness?

As a retail trainer, I’ve noticed that therapists are allowed to be clueless when it comes to their earning power.
I’ll explain: Read More
As a retail trainer, I’ve noticed that therapists are allowed to be clueless when it comes to their earning power.
I’ll explain: Read More
One of the biggest considerations for spa managers is training. Particularly with therapist retail training they always ask , “Is it worth it?” “Will the results justify the expenditure from my budget allowance?”
Recently I completed retail training at another Five-Star resort in the Philippines. The training was completed in just four days and required 4 hours each day for 16 therapists.
After training I monitored the therapist’s product sales for three weeks.
Here are the results, pre-training and one week post-training and final week. Look at the difference. Read More
Recently, I’ve received several e-mails from spa managers who’ve expressed interest in retail training. Their retail area is well appointed and the products well chosen. They ask how would I determine the training needs of their therapists. They ask what metrics I use to measure the skill of their team. Read More
One of the biggest shortcomings of spa therapists is that they are not proactive or responsive in initial consultation interviews. Read More
Still trying to justify retail training for your quiet spa therapists? Read this insightful article by Geoffrey James from INC magazine.
The stereotype of a successful salesperson is an extrovert who sells anything to anybody. He (or, less commonly, she) charms customers so thoroughly that they sign on the dotted line before they know what hit them. Read More
In 2017 Nancy Griffin, president of Contento Marketing issued a brilliant report on retail. It was stated that “seventy-five percent of spa managers felt their low retail revenues were caused by staff resistance”.
I wonder if the managers ever thought to offer training that was structured for how introverts learn. Were they even aware that 95% of therapists are introverts?
This excerpt from an article by Mary Jo Asmus provides another perspective. Read More
Excerpt from The Engaged Therapist: How Spas Can Increase Retail Sales Now and Forevermore
Currently, wellness facilities and concepts are growing both independent of and across the landscape of spa. Millions of dollars are being spent creating new spaces and programs to enhance mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
But when I peep behind the curtain, I see with few exceptions, that the gate-keepers and their outlook toward therapist training hasn’t changed. See the chart below: Read More
The spa and wellness industry is projected to generate $US 20 billion in revenue by the year 2020. Retail sales is one of its most important revenue centers. Yet despite booming growth overall, retail revenues have remained disappointingly low around the world.
Clearly, what the spa industry is doing is not working. Traditional therapist training is not the answer. Read More
MINDBODY Inc., the leading technology platform for the wellness services industry announced it will acquire Booker Software, the popular cloud-based management software for salons and spas.
The new partnership expands the marketplace and opportunities for consumers who book spa services online or use mobile devices. The combined platform will power more than 18,000 salons and spas worldwide. Read More
Gordon Tareta is the area director of spas for Marcus Hotels and the founder of spa consulting firm, Tareta Group International. His comment about Sephora particularly resonated with me because when I worked as an esthetician, Sephora was right down the street. I remember the spa owner telling us that it makes no sense for a client to leave our treatment room and purchase the same products somewhere else. Customer service was everything. Read More