Author Linda Harding-Bond

Author Linda Harding-Bond

Elevating the Waxing Experience: Why Wax Membership Centers Deserve 5* Customer Service Training

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As a spa consultant I gravitate toward spas for my personal care service. However you may be one of thousands of  waxing enthusiasts who frequents wax membership centers. If so, you’ve likely noticed the convenience and affordability they offer compared to full-service spas. However, when it comes to customer service, there’s a critical conversation to be had. Should wax membership centers receive the same customer service training as full-service spas? In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why the answer should be a resounding “yes.”

1. A Renewed Focus on Customer Experience

In recent years, the beauty and wellness industry has been undergoing a transformation. Customer experience is now at the forefront of any successful business, regardless of its size or specialization. Waxing membership centers should align with this trend by investing in comprehensive customer service training. As most beauty professionals know, aesthetic and cosmetology schools focus on training that ensures their students are able to pass the state boards. Little attention is paid to actual customer engagement with the intent of product sales.

2. Professionalism Matters

Waxing is a highly personal and sometimes sensitive service. Clients often expect the same level of professionalism and courtesy at wax membership centers as they would at full-service spas. Providing top-notch customer service creates an atmosphere of trust, making clients more comfortable and likely to return.

3. Loyalty and Retention

Just like full-service spas, wax membership centers can benefit greatly from client loyalty. When clients receive exceptional service, they are more likely to become repeat customers and even recommend the center to friends and family. Retention is increased when customers are sent home with recommended products. A strong focus on customer service can be a key driver in client retention.

4. Managing Unique Customer Needs

Wax membership centers cater to a diverse clientele, each with unique skin types, hair removal needs, and preferences. Customer service training ensures that staff can effectively communicate with clients, understand their individual requirements, and recommend appropriate services and products.

5. Handling Challenging Situations

In any customer-oriented business, there will be challenging situations, from addressing client complaints to handling unexpected issues. Customer service training equips staff with the skills to navigate these situations professionally and efficiently, reducing stress for both clients and employees.

6. Elevating the Overall Experience

Exceptional customer service isn’t just about resolving issues; it’s about enhancing the overall experience. From the moment a client walks in the door to the moment they leave, every interaction should be positive and memorable. This positive experience can set wax membership centers apart from their competitors.

7. Building a Strong Reputation

Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful in the beauty and wellness industry. When clients have a great experience at a wax membership center, they’re more likely to share their positive experiences with friends and on social media. This can help build a strong reputation for the center, attracting new clients and boosting revenue.

8. Adapting to Changing Trends

As the beauty and wellness industry evolves, so do client expectations. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques is essential, but it’s equally important to adapt in terms of customer service. By investing in ongoing training, wax membership centers can remain relevant and competitive in the market.

In conclusion, wax membership centers should absolutely receive the same customer service training as full-service spas. Doing so not only benefits the clients but also the centers themselves. It leads to increased client satisfaction, loyalty, and a stronger reputation in the industry. In a world where customer experience reigns supreme, prioritizing top-notch customer service is a win-win for everyone involved. So, whether you’re a client or a business owner, remember that outstanding customer service is the foundation of a successful waxing experience.




Price-Waterhouse Says the Pandemic Hit Hard But Recovery Is In Sight

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The spa industry saw a dramatic revenue decline in 2020 as a result of the pandemic’s effects, but leaders of the International SPA Association (ISPA) are upbeat about recovery as wellness becomes even more important to travelers, according to a virtual presentation of the 2021 ISPA U.S. Spa Industry Study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

Russell Donaldson, manager of research at PwC, said one important message is not to compare this crisis with the Great Recession of 2009-10 when there was a similar drop in business. At that time, he said, the problem was a demand issue; now it is a supply issue as consumers aim to make up for lost time in visiting spas.

Changes driven by the pandemic might or might not be permanent, said Donaldson. Operational adjustments like different kinds of menus; curbside or outdoor treatments; and “touchless” treatments may or may not withstand the test of time depending on whether they were a direct result of the pandemic or simply accelerated trends already in place.

While the industry is not out of the woods yet, said Colin McIlheny, director of global research for PwC, “what is clear is that there is widespread pent-up demand to get back to wellness and spas as long as they open safely.”

McIlheny said this is now an opportunity to review how the industry works.

To read complete article click here

Three Most Important Answers Spa Guests Want to Know

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What I observed pre-pandemic and even now with online coaching is that therapists are still uncertain of their power and the expertise that they bring to the table.

It’s so important for them to realize that spa treatments were missed.  No amount of online purchases can replace the ambience of walking into a spa and one on one experience that knowledgeable touch and personalized care provides.    Read More

THE Four Steps Successful Spas Use to Sell Retail (video)

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Wearing masks has caused a decline in the use of lipsticks and foundations. More attention is now paid to cosmetics for the upper half of the face, like mascaras, brow enhancers and concealers. And most importantly, everyone is paying more attention to the health and wellness of their skin which bodes well for spas. Read More

New Book Helps Entrepreneurs and Beauty Pros Squash Stage Fright

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Millions of people found themselves laid off, furloughed or fired as a result of the global pandemic. New ideas are the currency of many who seek to monetize their time freedom and bring their vision to the market. People connect to emotions first then words. Having the ability to project your feelings helps ideas and products sell better.

Author Linda Harding-Bond said, “The person who is first to market with an idea is often the winner. Stage fright should never kill a dream.” In her new book she details 6 practical steps that anyone can take to conquer stage fright and become a more powerful presenter.  Linda has the proof from practical experience.

Award-winning hotel groups and upscale brands hire her to help optimize retail sales and improve the communication skills of their staff around the world. Having operated from Bangkok, Thailand for the past seven years, Linda returned to the United States to pen The Quiet Presenter. She is excited to share her insight on how to create effective presentations with readers.

Available on Amazon Kindle :

The Quiet Presenter: A 6 Step System for Introverts, Entrepreneurs, Creators and Anyone with Stage Fright


How are Brands Adapting to New Directions in Beauty Sales?

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What new trends are we seeing in beauty retail amid the ongoing pandemic, and how are brands preparing for what is bound to be an unpredictable few months ahead?

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3 Proven Marketing Tips To Boost Your Business When Funds are Tight

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Digital Marketer and Social Media guru, Norm Bond drops knowledge on how to stay afloat with short funds:

Tough times bring out the best in entrepreneurs. Creativity thrives, energy is focused and new solutions emerge that benefit the audience. During the pandemic many business owners have been forced to abandon their dreams and close up shop. But others have managed to survive and even thrive. Read More