As a spa retail trainer I recognize that at some point in our lives, most of us have to sell something. Maybe it’s selling your friends on taking that well earned girls trip to Miami or Bangkok. Read More
As a spa retail trainer I recognize that at some point in our lives, most of us have to sell something. Maybe it’s selling your friends on taking that well earned girls trip to Miami or Bangkok. Read More
This week the beauty world took notice as fashion icon Gwyneth Paltrow announced her new spa-quality organic skin care line. Read More
At some point in our lives, most of us have to sell something. Maybe it’s selling your friends on taking that well earned girls trip to Miami or Dubai. Maybe it’s selling your teen on staying in school rather than dropping out to become a rapper. In any case, we’re selling.
For introverts, because we know these folks it’s not a problem.
But if we have jobs which require selling as a side component, it may be. We didn’t choose to sell but it comes along with the territory. Entrepreneur, spa therapist, stylist- all fall into these categories.
So what do you do?
Check out my e-book Retail Selling for Introverts 101. It will help to you get started. Drop me a line if you like it.
Good luck.
Subscribe here and I’ll shoot you a copy.
For more guidance connect with me on Clarity.fm
Is this the unspoken message delivered by many companies with products or services to offer?
I ask because although these companies employ both introverts and extroverts, the sales training that they deliver is invariably designed for the strengths of one personality type only; extrovert. Read More
All introverts- what gets in the way of selling? We know that presenting in public is the greatest fear after death. Whether you are an entrepreneur, sales associate in the luxury sector or anything in between, let’s get your mind right so success will follow. Also this Blab contains a great time limited offer for the month of March.
Tune into our next Blab for the Global Spa Industry-Can Introverts Sell?
Friday, March 11 7:30 p.m.-8:pm. Bangkok time | 7:30 a.m.-8:00 am East Coast
12:30 pm London | 11:30 pm Sidney,Au.| 2:30 pm South Africa |4:30 pm UAE
Subscribe to get all of our Blab updates.
We believe that spa guests deserve a perfect service. But with 27% of spas at 0-10% in retail sales to service, we wonder if a perfect service is being delivered. Is product training for therapists providing all of the necessary information and tools? Or is something more needed? What gives?
If you missed our March 4th Blab no worries. In this segment we discuss product distributors, manufacturers and expansion of training. Tip:click your mouse on the verbiage to the right side of the screen to read the comments.
Next Blab-Can Introverts Sell?
Friday, March 11 7:30 p.m.-8:pm. Bangkok time | 7:30 a.m.-8:00 am East Coast
12:30 pm London | 11:30 pm Sidney,Au.| 2:30 pm South Africa |4:30 pm UAE
Subscribe to get all of our Blab updates.
Last year’s Professional Spa and Wellness convention made a huge industry impact with their retail Key Performance Indicators (KPI) benchmarking initiative. So it comes as no surprise that a featured topic at this year’s convention is “Improving retail sales at your spa: four simple steps” .
For our first Blab we also discussed product sales but from the perspective of “Therapists Making Money.” This topic totally aligns with the importance of retail selling in the global spa industry.
One of the key elements is engagement. Speaking of engagement Blab.im is one of the hottest tools in social media today. It’s still in beta testing but we think it’s perfect for our industry. Watch it in action in the video below. Tip:click your mouse on the verbiage to the right side of the screen to read the comments.
We’ll be doing Global Spa Blab every Friday at 7:30 pm Bangkok time, so don’t forget to follow us on Blab.im and join the conversation.
This Samsung video perfectly illustrates the feelings that we should strive to evoke in our spa guests everyday.
It took one month of preparation, sign language training for dozens of people, countless hidden cameras and one awesome vision to help this guy feel connected to people around him. Read More
Most people don’t like change. Almost no one changes just for change sake. There has to be a strong motivation behind it. The fact is, many luxury groups have such a steady stream of new customers that they aren’t yet feeling the impact of their reluctance to change. Read More
I’ve had my ear to the ground of the massage industry lately. Retail product selling is generating a lot of conversation…
According to David Kent LMT, NCTMB, every day we have a limited amount of time, physical strength and mental energy to earn a living. When we are at work, we are basically trading time for money. The amount we earn is influenced, to a certain degree, by our education, experience, skill level, track record, etc.
When we trade out time for money, we are only able to earn as much money as we are willing to trade our time. So, how else can we earn more money without working more hours? The answer is to retail, which is the sale of goods to the public.
(Yes, I know that you don’t want to “sell”. But you’re really not. Keep reading.)
People want to know why they hurt, how you can help and what they can do for themselves. Like other healthcare providers, we must educate the public and present solutions.
When we explain the benefits of receiving regular massage therapy sessions, we are, on a certain level, “selling” or “retailing.” When we offer a discounted price for a group of sessions, it might be labeled a “Special,” “Package” or “Membership.” Ultimately, we provide the benefits and the consumer makes an educated decision.
So, what products do massage therapists frequently integrate into their sessions that would benefit clients and could be offered for sale? The list includes topical analgesics, aromatherapy, pillows, music, scrubs, hot and cold packs, to name a few.
(I’d love it if my therapist recommended these to me. Wouldn’t you?)
Be creative and let your clients know you are proudly offering quality items for their personal use. During a regular session, let clients experience the benefits of new products at no additional charge. Ask clients to share samples with friends, family and coworkers. Topical analgesics and aromatherapy are great gift ideas for those living with pain and stress.
You know the treatment techniques and products that will help your clients the most. Education is the fundamental principle that must be applied to your therapy and the other products you sell. It is easy to earn additional income without working more hours by promoting the products you are already using and the repeat business continually adds to the bottom line.
(I would begin by checking out what’s on the shelves at your spa. I’d bet there are at least three products that you can tie in to your massage services. Speak with your manager about your sales commission rates and set daily or weekly goals for yourself as incentive. Good luck.)