Recently I was sitting in the lobby of a neighborhood spa in Bangkok. I was the first person there and the therapists were still prepping their rooms so I had a chance observe front desk operations. It was nightmarish. Read More
Recently I was sitting in the lobby of a neighborhood spa in Bangkok. I was the first person there and the therapists were still prepping their rooms so I had a chance observe front desk operations. It was nightmarish. Read More
Most spas in Asia struggle with retail sales. It doesn’t matter how many stars you’ve been afforded or how many awards you’ve won. Read More
Recently the Global Wellness Institute projected a 42% employment growth in the spa industry by 2018. I don’t know about you but I find this absolutely mind-blowing. They reported;
“In 2013 the spa industry employed about 1.1 million spa therapists and 200,000 spa managers and directors. So it looks like it will need at least an additional 500,000 trained spa therapists and 80,000 experienced spa managers/directors (above those levels) by 2018.”-GWS Read More