In the day to day process of managing a busy spa, it’s easy to lose sight of delivering perfect customer service. Here are three tips to help keep you on track. Read More
In the day to day process of managing a busy spa, it’s easy to lose sight of delivering perfect customer service. Here are three tips to help keep you on track. Read More
Social media can be a blessing or curse for the spa and wellness industry. With the rapid economic growth of millennials and cross-culture globalization in music and entertainment, there’s no telling who might show up at the doors of your spa. Read More
Certain customer service industries where one on one interaction is the norm disproportionately attracts introverts. Included in these would be the salon, spa, beauty and wellness. Unfortunately, however, training around the skill set of selling has not been modified to the way introverts learn.
If it seems counter-intuitive to think that introverts make the best salespeople this info-graphic might make you think again.
My interview with international marketing expert Norm Bond. I discuss the ethnic client, customer service, the impact of social media, changing demographics and of course spa training.
To listen click here>>https://youtu.be/otcVaSbJ_C4
Want to read more? Click Here>>>>http://linkd.in/1Nsss50