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Big Retail vs Spas

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If you haven’t read the brilliant article Spas vs. big E-tail by Vivienne O’Keeffe your’re missing out. Here’s an excerpt:

Amazon Infiltrates Spa Industry

In an effort to bring professional-level care to the masses, the website Amazon Professional Beauty puts scads of products, services (including professionals) and even free advice to within point-and-click mousing range of browsers.

Some frustrated product manufacturers and distributors, faced with slumping in-store sales, are pulling out their lines (and maybe their hair) and switching to other sales channels. I know that some spa owners are feeling the heat from Big E-tail as well, and thinking of dropping some of the product lines they carry because of poor sell-through.

But hold on a sec. Why not use your many advantages to fight back?

Brick -and-mortar spas’ advantage

1. Product prescription program

Amazon’s integrated recommendations program compares poorly to the product prescription program that’s been used in successful clinics and spas worldwide since the beginning of the industry.

Remember, skin or body analyses are the first things we do.

We are in a much higher position of trust and understanding, offering a far more personalized experience than a computer interface.

2. Competitive pricing

Price can be another advantage. Contrary to the perception that in-spa products cost more than their online counterparts, prices are generally about the same – or less when you factor in shipping costs.

3. Convenience

Yet another is convenience. Why wait for your skin cream when you can walk away with a bottle right now?

So why aren’t spas exploiting these advantages?

One problem is that when presented with the opportunity to promote a product, a lot of young inexperienced skincare professionals project their own perceived lack of funds onto the client.

All too often after a professional recommends a skincare product to a client, because of the clinician’s inability to close the sale, the consumer goes home, checks the reviews and buys the product online. Spas can address this simply by posting printed reviews (and prices) alongside the products, thus pre-empting this last step of typical savvy consumers and leaving no unanswered questions in their minds.
Want more? Check it out >>here.


Linda Harding-Bond
Linda Harding-Bond is shifting the paradigm on spa retail training. Her Express Online Retail Training Course is exactly what's needed for post-COVID-19 spa re-openings. Designed to bring your therapists' retail skills up to speed, it will quickly position retail as a robust alternate revenue stream. Linda has provided training for many world-class organizations including The Oberoi Group, St. Regis Hotel, Anantara Hotels & Resorts, Shangri-La Hotels, The Resort at Pedregal, GoldenEye Resort and Spa and Six Senses Resorts. She is author of "Listen, Engage, Sell!: The Foolproof Method for Increasing Spa Sales in 7 Days or Less" and "The New Esthy Handbook: an Essential Guide for Novice or Nervous Estheticians". Connect with her at Linda@Moontideconsulting.com .
Linda Harding-Bond

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