The Zen of Embracing Change
Most people don’t like change. Almost no one changes just for change sake. There has to be a strong motivation behind it. The fact is, many luxury groups have such a steady stream of new customers that they aren’t yet feeling the impact of their reluctance to change. They don’t realize that although they may have gained 10 new customers on the front end, they’ve lost 10 on the back end. Customers say that there was nothing memorable about the service so why not try another brand that offers similar benefits or amenities.
This week Moontide Consulting conducted a pilot training program of ‘Increasing Your Retail Selling’ for key members of one of the largest global luxury brands in the world. This was their feedback-
“10 out of 10”
“Easy, fun video modules”
“very informative”
“different approach to retailing”
“really valuable”
“a model which can be attuned/adapted to individual spas and team personalities”
It took a leap of faith to even try something new and different. What they discovered was a tool that might just be the perfect adjunct to luxury product training.
Sometime change is good.