Why Coronavirus Should Impact the Way Spas Do Business – Part Two
Tags: build relationships with guests, corona pandemic, customer engagement, customer experience, customer need, e-commerce, energy, energy work, engagement, high engagement, holistic marketing, home care, new business model, positivity, retail selling, sales training, senior executives, Spa managers, Spas, top-earning spas, transition to e-commerce, world-class spas Consulting

Part Two– Engagement, Energy, and E-Commerce
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
-John C. Maxwell
Right now most countries in the Western Hemisphere have not reached the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. We have no idea of what’s to come. What we do know is that directly or indirectly most areas of business will be impacted. Nothing will be as it was before. Smart companies will look ahead and talk about a future that includes diversification, introducing new products and discovering new markets. Read More