You Can’t Put Lipstick On Declining Spa Sales
Tags: Bangkok, best, business, capital, CEO, coach, consulting, criteria, customer, Declining, employees, expectations, expenditures, future, growth, hours, index, Linda Harding-Bond, Lipstick, manager, outdated, owner, PBA, performance, Professional Beauty Association, retail, sales, Salon/Spa Performance Index, service, spa, SSPI, training, VP Training

Almost half of spa owners see no increase in their sales in the foreseeable future. Yes, according to the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) “60 percent of spa and salon owners are positive on growth, expecting to have higher retail sales in the next six months.” As for the other 40 percent — flat to declining.
What’s shocking to me is that 0.5% growth is now being called success. “Overall indicators and feedback from beauty professionals across the country continue to be positive and we remain optimistic that the beauty industry will continue this growth into 2015” says Steve Sleeper, Executive Director of the PBA.
Is retail sales a force of nature that can’t be controlled by man (or woman)?
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