Supercharge Your Massage Franchise

Spa and wellness is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. And massage franchises are keeping stride with the growth. It can be one of the best business investments entrepreneurs can make.
Massage franchise chains are entities that offer a membership program for consumers who want the benefits of regular massage and facials at an affordable price-typically $60 to $80 a month for one 50-minute service.
Recently I received an inquiry from a franchise owner from the most popular massage franchise in the U.S.
This owner boasted about how their retail sales to service of 5% was the “highest of all locations on the West Coast”.
I found this revelation shocking and chalked it up to a lack of therapist training. It reminded me of my own experience with a massage club.
Years ago, I was a member of Hand and Stone in Philadelphia. I paid around $80 for a 90-minute massage and thought it was a great deal. I had a standing appointment the last Friday of every month that I never missed. I would have scheduled more but my massage therapist was extremely skilled, kind and always completely booked. She had a dedicated clientele who had been with her for years. Many of us knew each other and we’d exchange the advice she dispensed about how to feel better.
It always surprised me that she never recommended products from the retail area of the spa. They were right there in front lounge; I would peruse them while waiting for her.
Quite honestly, I would have purchased anything she suggested because I trusted her. I’m sure her other clients felt the same way.
As time went on I understood that home-care simply never crossed her mind. Even when I questioned her about specific products she never followed through.
At the time, I was working as an esthetician at a popular spa around the corner. I was generating 34% in retail sales and earning about $400 and more in retail commissions so I knew she was leaving money on the table.
Most people get massage because they are seeking pain or stress relief. Every massage club I have visited has products to address those issues but if 5% is the top revenue clearly home care is not being offered.
The potential exists for every member who comes to your franchise to walk out with home care. It’s simply a matter of proper training.