Are You Stocking Spa Products That Sell?

What makes you spend your hard earned money?
I buy when I need something specific. Other times it’s because the item will make me feel better, it appeals to my sense of aesthetics and in that moment I feel like I’ll love it forever.
As a trainer who instructs therapists on how to increase retail sales, my first stop is always the spa retail store. This is an area paying attention to because each time a guest goes home with a product there’s a 30% chance that they will return. My goal is always to see spas win, but what I find is often disappointing. The products are not well presented, and while they are often pricey they don’t have a feeling of exclusivity. The area itself is not appealing or fun to shop in.
In contrast look at today’s typical CVS pharmacy:
Who wouldn’t want to shop here?
Skin Care
Some spas have separate areas with skin care for testing but they’re not using the space well. There’s no staff interaction or engagement. The customer is left out there on their own. I personally don’t like people hovering over me but I’m always interested in something I’ve not seen before.
When potential customers walk into your spa have your reception team come from behind the desk and show them what you have to offer rather than to stand around passively waiting for something to happen. Set up a live demonstration area for your battery operated or electronic gadgets. Spas have licensed experts so put that knowledge to use to gain clients.
Here’s what Sephora is doing for their customers:
I wonder how many of these devices they sold?
Think about this article as you reassess your spa retail space today. I hope you’re happy with what you see.
If not, check in next week where we’ll go into more detail on how you can improve your retail area.
In the meanwhile check out my YouTube video Are You Stocking Spa Products that Sell?