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Why Gwyneth’s Goop Lab May Be Spa Goals

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Coronavirus or ‘Rona as many of us now call her, has knocked most of us for a loop. In the wake of the pandemic, hospitality will change the way it does business. And so will the spa industry. It has to. What we’ve witnessed is how fragile the treatment sector can become in the face of crisis.

I believe that more of an emphasis will be placed upon the retail end of the business, the stability of which is not solely dependent upon human interaction. Retail also generates a higher profit margin.

The focus will be given to customer engagement, social media,  sales training, digital marketing, merchandising and e-commerce.

One person who manages to tick all the above boxes for her lifestyle business is Gwyneth Paltrow. Although her latest product, a candle named ‘This Smells Like My Vagina” was ridiculed across all areas of social media, it also sold out within minutes.  Clearly there are lessons to be learned.

Here is an excerpt from the article; Why Millions Watched The Goop Lab with Gwyneth Paltrow: Inside a $250 Million Lifestyle Brand

The Goop Lab on Netflix

Since its launch in January millions of people have watched The Goop Lab on Netflix. The reviews range from “magical” to “garbage”.

But as a famous boxer once said, “Half the crowd came to see me win, half to see me lose. Meanwhile, the arena was sold out.”

Infomercials and advertorials are so old-school. To deliver effective marketing messages today they must be wrapped in content.

The Goop Lab docu-series manages to connect education, eCommerce, offline marketing, celebrity marketing, streaming video, and social media. It brings consumer engagement to a new level by serving a variety of content in multiple formats.

According to YouGov ratings data, 90 percent of America has heard of Paltrow and nearly half (49%) have a positive opinion.

Some say GP flaunts her privilege and the Goop site exploits buyers with overpriced products. Loyalists rave about the benefits of the lifestyle and develop passionate support for the products.

“Just started The Goop Lab and it is EVERYTHING! So real, so raw and so relatable! Bravo” - from IG

Linda Harding-Bond
Linda Harding-Bond is shifting the paradigm on spa retail training. Her Express Online Retail Training Course is exactly what's needed for post-COVID-19 spa re-openings. Designed to bring your therapists' retail skills up to speed, it will quickly position retail as a robust alternate revenue stream. Linda has provided training for many world-class organizations including The Oberoi Group, St. Regis Hotel, Anantara Hotels & Resorts, Shangri-La Hotels, The Resort at Pedregal, GoldenEye Resort and Spa and Six Senses Resorts. She is author of "Listen, Engage, Sell!: The Foolproof Method for Increasing Spa Sales in 7 Days or Less" and "The New Esthy Handbook: an Essential Guide for Novice or Nervous Estheticians". Connect with her at Linda@Moontideconsulting.com .
Linda Harding-Bond

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