The Spa Retail Secret that Managers Should Heed

This article from provides one more reason to overlay your therapist’s spa product training with engagement training. Remember, if your team is not engaging well with your guests, they’re probably not up-selling your services or maximizing retail product sales.
Specialty stores, (think spa retail areas) could be more productive than department stores.
Specialty stores — those that focus on particular categories such as beauty products — will have a leg up in 2017 as consumer interests focus in on curated selections and localized wares.
Look for specialty stores to win in the coming year. We have many reasons to believe this’ll be the case.
Specialty stores tend to stock carefully curated selections (often of local wares and artisanal products), and they’re generally considered trendier than old-school department stores. These details cater to millennials — who are, of course, today’s most sought-after shoppers.
Specialty stores also tend to provide better in-store experiences for their customers, with more knowledgeable staff, better prices, and more personalized service. By offering all this, specialty stores prove their advantages over department stores and develop direct relationships with their customers.
Now, all this isn’t to say that department stores will die. Most of the big names have recently implemented big changes to their businesses, all designed to revamp the fusty image associated with department stores. We can expect more of these changes — but in 2017, specialty stores will reign.
Are you preparing your therapists to take advantage of this opportunity? Contact me to discuss your options.
Join me in Las Vegas, October 18 at #ISPA2017 where I’ll present Introverts: The Secret of Increasing Retail Sales.