How to make money at your spa during holiday season

Yes, it’s just the day after Labor Day. But that’s why you need to get on this now.
If you manage a spa you probably look forward to the holiday season. That period from mid-November to January 5 is ripe with opportunity for selling. Beginning with Thanksgiving (hostess gifts) and concluding with Christmas, High Holidays and Kwanzaa this time should be a retail selling bonanza.
Many spa managers with otherwise pitiful sales know that during this period more product will leave their shelves so they are satisfied. They close their eyes to what their KPI’s are telling them. They base their yearly retail performance on hopes and presumptions that the holiday season will make up for the balance of poor earnings in the previous months. This is an extremely passive way to run your business. It is stressful and erodes the productivity and overall performance of your team. And of course sales will plummet again as soon as the holiday season has ended.
Just imagine doing something different this year. Imagine training your team as part of a proactive approach to your new retail revenue management strategy. (Imagine the delight of your senior manager when you tell them that you actually have a retail revenue management strategy.)
Right now there are exactly 11 weeks before the holiday season begins. 1,848 hours to be exact. If you devote just 12 hours, less than one percent, you can execute a training program directly targeted to increasing your retail sales. And in the process make your team awesome.
Let’s do the math;
Assuming that you have five therapists that you pay ten dollars per hour, training will cost you about $120 for each employee. Your initial ROI will be twenty percent. So your therapist who made ten sales a week will now be making twelve. At fifty dollars per sale, it will only require two therapists’ one week to pay off your entire training investment.
But we both know that success breeds success. It won’t be long before they’re selling more.
Much more.
That leaves you fifty weeks of added profits, greater customer satisfaction and a stronger team.
Wouldn’t you love that?