Supercharged Spa Consultations that Boost Sales

Spa Therapist: “I don’t have time to talk about products ’cause I’m back to back with guests.”
Me: “How many guests do you have today?”
Spa Therapist: “Two.”
It’s sad but this is the mindset of too many therapists. Basically they’re saying “I don’t have the desire time to deliver good service!”
Rationalize it as you will, that’s the bottom line.
So, what can you do?
Begin with this – the initial consultation.
The Initial Consultation
It is amazing how many therapists look at the intake form and ask “Are there any areas that concern you”. That’s it.
Sorry, but that’s not a consultation.
A consultation should reveal what, where, when, why and how. The following questions are examples of the information therapists should be seeking.
How are you feeling today?
What results are you expecting from this treatment?
What seems to bring the discomfort on?
Where do you feel the most discomfort today?
When did you begin feeling pain?
When did your skin begin to break out?
Why do you believe this is happening?
How long have you been in discomfort?
It doesn’t matter if an intake form is used or not. Before your therapists lay hands on your guests, they need this information. Here’s why;
- To ensure that the correct treatment is performed.
- To deliver the best service possible.
- To lay the foundation for recommendations of home care.
The main reason therapists have problems selling retail is because they don’t know enough about the guests needs. It’s as simple as that.
It’s so much easier and organic to say “When we spoke earlier, you mentioned that you have problems sleeping. I think you’d love this product. You put a few drops in your tub and on your pillow and you’ll sleep like a baby.”
The therapist reiterated the guest’s concern which shows she was listening. By making a recommendation that is spot on, the guest feels validated.
Will she take the product home? Probably.
Is it time to bring your team up to speed?