MindBody 6 Point Checklist for Spa & Salon Managers

Sometimes its good to know we’re not alone, especially with our work challenges. Thanks to Lisa Starr and Mindbody for listing the 6 most common mistakes people in our industry make.
- Mistake #1 | A fuzzy why: If your business is going to succeed in the long term, you need to have a clear vision for your salon or spa (it all starts with a proper salon or spa business plan) and top-notch branding
- Mistake #2 | The math doesn’t add up: Avoid having this problem plague you by focusing on cash flow, budgeting, and identifying a path to profitability (if you’re not already there)
- Mistake #3 | Underestimating the importance of your team: You need to follow sensible hiring protocols to find people who understand and can help you carry out your vision; having an excellent team means a superior experience for your customers (hi, retention!)
- Mistake #4 | Making things difficult for your clients: Avoid this common trap with simple online booking available 24/7, making it clear what services your spa or salon offers and when you’re open, and explaining how you’re keeping staff and customers alike safe in the time of COVID
- Mistake #5 | Not taking advantage of retail: Spas and salons learned to rely on retail recently, and there’s no denying this will be an important revenue stream moving forward; make sure you’re increasing your average ticket with products for customers to take home (sell online, too!)
- Mistake #6 | Neglecting the greater ecosphere: Spas and salons don’t exist in a vacuum; it’s important for salon and spa owners to consider what trends are happening in the industry and ensure they’re regularly engaging with their communities
Engage with spa professionals who can assist you in working through these potential pitfalls. Connect with folks who have history within the industry because they’re more likely to be invested in your success beyond the present moment.