Why Some Spa Managers Will Reach Super-Stardom in 2018

I’m discovering an interesting trend in retail sales results and global spas. And since we’re just starting a New Year — this could be the key for massive success. Here we go..
When I speak to spa managers who are generating at least 20% in retail sales, they don’t say their staff is “resistant to selling”. They say more tools are needed that they are not equipped to provide.
But spa managers who have 15% and less in sales have “resistant therapists”.
Improvement begins with the mindset and accountability of the spa manager. If you believe that your people can achieve, you take the necessary steps to help them improve.
In 2017 Nancy Griffin released a brilliant report on the state of retail in the spa industry. The report was based upon a survey administered in March 2017 to 400 U.S.-based spa directors, owners and operators.
Of the 150 survey respondents, 85 percent were spa directors or managers, and 15 percent fell in the “other” category, which included owner/presidents and regional, national or corporate directors.
Three- quarters of respondents cited “staff resistance to selling” as the number one retail sales blocker. Chances are these managers are generating 15% or less in retail sales. Not Super-Star status.
According to the Day Spa Association only 11% of spas in their annual survey achieved 30% and higher in retail sales to service.
But the managers who are currently achieving 20% and strive to go higher are Super-Stars in the making.
Will 2018 be your year to shine?