The Social Solution for Shabby Service
Tags: Bangkok, best, competitor, complaint, consumer, customer service, escalate, experience, feedback, GripeO, GripeO Outreach, hospitality, hotel, impact, industry, listening, management, Mike Klanac, platform, senior, service, social media, spa, Thailand, training, Twitter Writing

I’d never heard of GripeO. Then last week I received a direct message from @GripeO_Outreach on Twitter. They were following up on an article published on Huffington Post about my lousy spa experience. They wanted to know if I was interested in escalating my complaint to senior management. Because I constantly write about the impact of social media on the spa industry I wasn’t surprised. The fact that I had been tracked on Twitter by a consumer service company was prophetic and intriguing. I wanted to learn more about GripeO_Outreach so I spoke with the CEO, Mike Klanac.
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