Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.
Thankfully many spas are now reopening. Customers have anticipated this for months and are excited. Competition is greater than ever. It’s important to over-deliver just to maintain your customer base.
Were the following four “wanna haves” on your wish list before COVID-19 closed spas down?
- More customers
- More frequent bookings and re-bookings
- More robust retail sales
- More highly engaged therapists and support staff
If they were, it’s clear that you must do something different to achieve your goals. I never met a spa manager who didn’t want the same thing. But the ones who get the best results always have an ongoing training process in place that guarantees success.
Have a look at the demo of my Express Retail Training Course. It is delivered totally online, provides fast results, and may be exactly what you need.
Here’s the link to get more information.
Reopening is serious business and is crucial for our industry. For many, it is exciting and brings out new skills and ways to connect with our clients and staff. Your “wanna haves” are important.
Leave a comment below or connect with me here.