What Game of Thrones can Teach Us about Spa Retail Training
Tags: Asia, best, Bran Start, consultant, Daenerys, Dragons, feedback, Game of Thrones, goal, Jaime Lannister, Khal Drogo, Linda Bond, Linda Harding, manager, Missandei, Mother of Dragons, resistance, road to success, roadblocks, spa, strategic alliances, strategy, therapists, trainer, training, Tyrion Lannister, Viserys Targaryen Training

Changing the way your therapists deliver customer service at your spa through training is no easy task. It is not for the weak or faint-hearted. Game of Thrones demonstrates the importance of having a strategic plan which will assist you in reaching your ultimate goal. Even then you may encounter unexpected resistance or roadblocks, but you’ll be better prepared to meet them head-on. Read More