Daniel Poulin, Accor’s NCA LGBTQ+ Pillar lead shares his thoughts on how to effect change in Diversity and Inclusion.
Most people would agree that hospitality is behind other industries when it comes to diversity and inclusion.(D&I) Read More
Daniel Poulin, Accor’s NCA LGBTQ+ Pillar lead shares his thoughts on how to effect change in Diversity and Inclusion.
Most people would agree that hospitality is behind other industries when it comes to diversity and inclusion.(D&I) Read More
These past two months have been interesting, to say the least. I’ve watched a variety of beauty brands meet with varying success in their efforts to profess sympathy with Black Lives Matter (BLM) issues.
Some companies, like GlyMed Plus which has actively marketed to people of color (POC) for 20 years recently found themselves in mea culpea mode. Read More