We’ve found that there are some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) in regards to retail sales training for spa therapists, staff and management. Often these very valid questions remain unanswered and can negatively impact decision making for the spa, resort or hotel. In the long run this can mean lack of competitiveness, poor customer service and even financial disaster.

So I gathered some of the common questions from Senior Management (SM) and included them along with my answers below — (simply hit the drop-down arrow below each question to reveal the answer). After you read them, feel free to drop me a line with additional feedback or if I missed your FAQ please contact me by CLICKING HERE.

Question & Answer Session with
Senior Spa Industry Executives and Management (SM)

FAQ #1) SM: Why do we need retail sales training?

[Answer] For three primary reasons:

1. In a recent article on retail, Anna Bjurstam, VP of Six Senses Spas stated that spas are giving away up to 30 percent of their revenue. That is directly due to insufficient training.
2. Retail selling is a skill set that 99% of spa therapists don’t have. How would they acquire it? Massage and skin care schools don’t teach it. And it’s not part of product treatment training.
3. Research has shown that over 90% of therapists are introverts, so engaging with guests can be challenging. Retail training is founded on engagement. The ability to engage well is what sells products.

FAQ #2) SM: We already receive training from our product representative. Why do we need to pay for training?

[Answer] Product training teaches your therapists about the benefits and ingredients of the product. If that’s all that was required your sales figures would be where you want them to be.

Today’s spa client has access to a wealth of information about products. Most do their homework before they even come to your spa. They don’t need more ingredient information. Your therapists must have the ability to interact well with your guests. What they want are therapists who can provide professional recommendations personalized to their specific needs. That’s what retail training teaches them. It’s a different skill set.

FAQ #3) SM: I don’t have it in the budget to pay someone a lot for sales training.

[Answer] We offer an easy online training system that may be more cost effective for you. We work closely with you throughout the course via Skype or via-email to ensure your success.

FAQ #4) SM: We make a lot of money performing treatments. Why should I invest in retail training?

[Answer] Because the profit margins are different. Selling retail involves no additional labor costs and can boost ancillary benefits like client retention. Plus, we assist you to develop programs to sustain your success.

FAQ #5) SM: How soon can I expect to see results?

[Answer] Therapists will respond to training within the first month. To sustain the positive results from training, certain conditions should be in place. Having sufficient retail products for sale, incorporating daily coaching, manager presence, senior management buy-in are all critical to continuing success. 

FAQ #6) SM: Why should I hire you? There are a lot of consulting companies out there. 

[Answer] Yes there are. But no other consultants address the retail challenge from the perspective of introvert retail training. 

Our program helps the spa industry provide a higher level of guest services by re-imagining the approach to retail sales training for therapists and managers.

FAQ #7) SM: I’m concerned that I’ll pay for training and my therapists will leave.  

[Answer] But what if you don’t invest in training and your therapists stay? Are you satisfied knowing that they are not provided with the tools to maximize your guests’ experience?

What inspires employees to stay with a company is quality of work-life which includes training and development. Retail sales training incorporates skill sets that have positive implications for life outside of spa as well.

SM: This sounds good. I’ll have my assistant set up an appointment with my Spa Director next week!