Moontide Consulting - Linda Harding-Bond




PHILADELPHIA, PA (JUNE 15, 2021) - It can be scary to stand in front of a room or present on Zoom, Skype, Teams or other video-conferencing platforms. Enter The Quiet Presenter: A 6 Step System for Introverts, Entrepreneurs, Creators and Anyone with Stage Fright.

Millions of people found themselves laid off, furloughed or fired as a result of the global pandemic. New ideas are the currency of many who seek to monetize their time freedom and bring their vision to the market. People connect to emotions first then words. Having the ability to project your feelings helps ideas and products sell better.

Author Linda Harding-Bond said, "The person who is first to market with an idea is often the winner. Stage fright should never kill a dream." In her new book she details 6 practical steps that anyone can take to conquer stage fright and become a more powerful presenter.  Linda has the proof from practical experience.

Award-winning hotel groups and upscale brands hire her to help optimize retail sales and improve the communication skills of their staff around the world. Having operated from Bangkok, Thailand for the past seven years, Linda returned to the United States to pen The Quiet Presenter. She is excited to share her insight on how to create effective presentations with readers. 

Many people are not in full control of their body language. The body may be telling a different story than the words are communicating. This can be controlled." - Linda Harding-Bond

The abundance of new products, services and processes in response to COVID-19 shows there is never a lack of brilliant ideas from entrepreneurs. The global pandemic unleashed a whole group of new creatives Linda identified as, "the furloughed, laid off and work from homers."

Millions of Americans are still unsure when or if they will return to work. No profession has been immune from layoffs and furloughs; even airline pilots, lawyers and doctors have been placed on temporary absences.  Many of these workers will never be bought back and will have to present their skills or ideas to a new audience.  In The Quiet Presenter they will find a system that is based upon self-observation, repetition and is deceptively simple.   

Quiet Presenter, Stage Fright Solution in 6-Steps for Introverts, Entrepreneurs, Creators and Anyone Else

The unique thing about the process is that it is designed for introverts, people who often fear making a product presentation. Linda’s 20+ years of global experience as an esthetician, consultant and highly successful retail trainer has shown that a different method for teaching can deliver sustained success. She is also an introvert. The process has been used by hundreds of people worldwide who are admittedly introverts, and it changed their lives.

As the world slowly reopens for business, employers, employees and entrepreneurs may still find things nerve-wracking. These are uncharted waters in many respects. As we move further into the "new normal", now is a perfect time to learn how to improve your ability to present your ideas. Whether we are engaging on social networks, ecommerce, local business or global concerns we all benefit from proper training and optimized presentation skills.  

Nervousness before or during a presentation can be managed and lead to increased self-confidence, self-esteem and performance.     

More Information: The Quiet Presenter: A 6 Step System for Introverts, Entrepreneurs, Creators and Anyone with Stage Fright is available on, You can CLICK HERE to learn more.

About Linda Harding-Bond: Linda is a globally-recognized sales consultant, speaker and trainer for the luxury hospitality industry. Formerly based in Thailand for seven years, she now resides in the U.S. Award winning hotel groups and upscale brands hire Linda to help them optimize retail sales and customer retention by improving the communication skills of their staff. She is the creator of the Express Online Retail Training Course and author of Listen Engage Sell available on Amazon. 

For media inquiries contact:
Norm Bond
Phone: 215.792.4092

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